“I love the recklessness of faith. First you leap, and then you grow wings.” ~ William Sloane Coffin
One of the magical messages of Christmas which we are asked to explore during Advent is that faith, like love, is here regardless of our willingness to recognize it. We don’t have to trust this...and we don’t even have to believe it. In fact, we don’t have to do anything. Faith is just there regardless of our acceptance.
Words of the poet Rilke sweep over me and fill me with wonder when he says that in faith “there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.”
The mystical wisdom of Jesus who compares faith to a mustard seed boggles my mind. The tiniest little seed was planted in each of us. And it has the capacity to move mountains. How could it be that our faith which seems so fleeting and fragile is so ever-present and strong? Perhaps because it never really leaves us.
Our always-possessed faith whispers the truth to us that darkness can never endure. It proves over and over that good will overcome evil. It brings love forward and casts hatred aside. It dispels worry and asks us to simply do the-next-right-thing. We are not meant to understand faith. This isn't necessary and perhaps not even possible. Just take the leap. Your wings will appear and provide a magnificent flight. Everything will be okay.